One Year Later, What a Joyful Mourning Really Means & 3 Prayers For You | Episode 43 with Ashlee Proffitt


Episode 43

This is a very special episode as it marks the 1 year birthday of this podcast. Exactly 1 year ago I launched this podcast out into the world. And while this endeavor has been one of the hardest things I have ever done, I am so grateful for the opportunity to do so -- to bring you a tangible reminder that you are not alone in your grief and that you are loved deeply by a God who has not forgotten you or left you; a God who is working to bring about healing to your broken heart.

Today I want to spend a few minutes sharing why I started this podcast, the same why that kept me going when producing and publishing yet another episode felt nearly impossible, and  3 very specific hopes and prayers I have for you, my joyful mourner listeners, as we move forward into year 2 of this podcast. 

I pray this episode reminds you that you are not alone in your grief and you are more loved than you could ever imagine.

But a joyful mourning is not natural -- fixing our eyes and attention and worship on a God who could have prevented the pain is not natural, trusting in a future we cannot see or fully understand is not natural, giving way to fickle hearts that sway with the wind and every emotion is natural; that’s our default amidst grief.

And that is why I’m here, that’s why The Joyful Mourning Podcast is here -- to remind you of God’s goodness, of His love for you, of His nearness and His presence.

Because our hearts need to be reoriented a little more often amidst grief. We need reminders of hope and truth just a little more when our world feels like it’s crumbling. "




I wanted to thank Cultivate What Matters for supporting The Joyful Mourning Podcast. Cultivate What Matters are the creators of the PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner as well as the Write the Word Journals -- two of my most favorite tools for intentional, purposeful living.

For the grieving mama who may find opening the Bible to be too difficult in this season, The Write the Word Journals are a perfect solution. This tool takes the overwhelm out of opening the Bible and provides a simple way to consistently spend time reading God’s Word -- where I believe true healing can be found. To check out all the details about the Write the Word Journals (as well as a generous 10% coupon code from my friends at Cultivate What Matters head to

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