Navigating Grief & Loss in a Pandemic with Meg Walker | Episode 075


Just like last week’s episode, the conversation in this week’s episode is really, really helpful and full of hopeful reminders that are vital for anyone who has experienced grief and is currently navigating life in the midst of the pandemic at hand.

In this episode I spend some time talking with Meg Walker about what it’s been like for her personally to navigate this season. She speaks candidly about the grief that this moment has stirred up in her as a loss mom and what it has looked like practically to live through those realities. 

I love towards the end of the episode when Meg says these words: 

“It’s ok to not have it all together.

It’s ok to be having a really hard time with this.

It’s ok for this to be resurfacing things we thought we had conquered.

It’s ok for fears to arise. 

It’s ok to say I can’t do this God and I need you to do it for me."

And also this:

"You are not alone. You might feel forgotten. But you are not forgotten by the One who matters. You are so loved by Him. And on the days when it’s really hard and you can’t even get out of bed. That’s ok. He doesn’t love you any less. There’s so much grace for you.”

Thank you for being here friend. Thank you for tuning in. I pray this episode meets you right where you are today, bringing light to the dark places and spaces; bringing a reminder of hope; a reminder that you are loved and not alone. 

And two more quick things before we jump into today’s episode. First, the audio recording quality of this episode gets a bit glitchy at times; that is most likely due to the entire world being on the internet right now. I apologize that the quality isn’t quite what I would want it to be. But while the technical aspect may not be perfect, the content is still really really good and definitely worth listening to. 

Second and last thing, we talk a lot in this episode about reaching out if and when you feel alone. And one of the best places to do that is The Joyful Mourning Community - its a group of women who know first hand what you are going through. They are able to say ‘me too’ and remind you that you aren’t alone because they have been there too. So come join us and be reminded that it’s ok to feel like a mess right now. It’s ok to feel scared. It’s ok to doubt or be angry or sad or confused. It’s ok. We want to remind you that you are loved. We want to remind you that you're not alone in all those feelings. So, come join us!


meet the guest


meg walker

Hi, I'm Meg - I'm a mom of two with babies in Heaven, a fan of warm weather and the beach, and a lover of meaningful conversations with family and friends. I spend my days with my baby girl and college students in Richmond, VA, sharing with them the grace and truth that Jesus offers as he transforms their lives - and mine!

You can find Meg over on her website and also on her Instagram account @megawalker.

notable moments



If this feels extra hard to you, even harder than others around you. It probably is. You are not alone in this. And you are not crazy.


I have a tendency to want to act like that part of my life is over. That it’s tied up in a bow. I don’t want it to effect me anymore. I don’t want his life and death to have a foothold on me anymore; I just want to be happy all the time.


My grief is always going to be a part of me. What does it look like in this new season?


Remember what’s true. What do I know to be true? Those truths were good for me then. And they’re really good for me now. 


God has seared some things in my heart and mind that I wouldn’t have otherwise known.


It’s ok for me to say this is too hard right now.


Knowing what’s its like to walk through a hard time gives me a different lens to look at this time. It doesn’t have to be as hard as the loss of losing a child for it to still feel hard. The heaviness of what it was can help me to see things that are true -- its ok to let things slide. To let my house be messy. It doesn’t mean that I’m totally falling apart. It just means that it’s hard. It’s given me permission to look at this and know I will get through this. That God will carry me. Permission to acknowledge that this might be more painful for me than other people. 


You don’t have to this super christian to go to Him in moments like this.


It’s already so lonely. Find the safe people and reach out to them. Boldly reach out. There are probably others in your life who care and want to help but don’t know what to do.


You might feel super alone. I am confident that God is with you even in this. God is there. And He will meet you. Be completely honest with Him and pray “God show me that you are here with me.” He can take that and He will show up. Because He cares.


It’s ok to not have it all together.
It’s ok to be having a really hard time with this.
It’s ok for this to be resurfacing things we thought we had conquered.
It’s ok for fears to arise. 
It’s ok to say I can’t do this God and I need you to do it for me.

You are not alone. You might feel forgotten. You are not forgotten by the One who matters. You are so loved by Him. 

On the days when it’s really hard and you can’t even get out of bed. That’s ok. He doesn’t love you any less. There’s so much grace for you.


if you feel alone