Choosing to Love & Fight Through The Pain After a Terminal Diagnosis | Podcast Episode 005 with Katelyn James Alsop


In today’s episode I have the privilege of talking with Katelyn James Alsop. Listen in as Katelyn shares the story of her son James and the reality of carrying a baby with a terminal diagnosis. Her wisdom and encouragement for women walking through a similar reality is freeing and incredibly helpful, I hope it blesses you today.

Resources mentioned in episode 005

I Will Carry You: The Sacred Dance of Grief and Joy, by Angie Smith




Hi! I'm Katelyn and I'm a wedding photographer and educator based out of Richmond, Virginia! I'm married to my high school sweetheart and we have a baby girl named Evy and a sweet baby in heaven named James. Before babies, we ran a demanding business and shot almost 45 weddings a year. We have since scaled back to 10-12 weddings annually and love running our online education business!

Connect with KatelynWebsite & Blog | InstagramFacebook