September Wallpapers: Phone, Tablet & Desktop

1 Peter 5:7 | Bible Verse & Monthly Calendar Wallpapers For Your Devices | The Morning | A Community of hope for women finding joy after infant loss and miscarriage. | Ashlee Proffitt | The Morning | Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infant Loss

“casting all your cares on Him,[all your anxieties, all your worries,and all your concerns, once and for all]

for He cares about you[with deepest affection,and watches over you very carefully].

1 Peter 5:7

1 Peter 5:7 | Bible Verse & Monthly Calendar Wallpapers For Your Devices | The Morning | A Community of hope for women finding joy after infant loss and miscarriage. | Ashlee Proffitt | The Morning | Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infant Loss

VERSE WALLPAPERClick to Download

Desktop  | iPhone 5/6 | iPhone 8 | iPhone X  | iPad/Tablet

1 Peter 5:7 | Bible Verse & Monthly Calendar Wallpapers For Your Devices | The Morning | A Community of hope for women finding joy after infant loss and miscarriage. | Ashlee Proffitt | The Morning | Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infant Loss


Desktop  | iPhone 5/6 | iPhone 8 | iPhone X  | iPad/Tablet

1 Peter 5:7 | Bible Verse & Monthly Calendar Wallpapers For Your Devices | The Morning | A Community of hope for women finding joy after infant loss and miscarriage. | Ashlee Proffitt | The Morning | Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infant Loss