Birthday Memories.

(Originally Posted November 8, 2009)

Aaron and I love to reminisce. We like to look back and see what has transpired since then... see where God has brought us and what He has brought us through.Now, more than ever we talk about our memories... maybe because that's all we have of Aaden.This past Wednesday was my 26th birthday. It was a great birthday. Aaron surprised me with flowers and dinner the night before. Beautiful fuscia roses... I told him they were so beautiful that if he decided to marry me again I would use the same flowers as bouquets. The next morning I woke up to breakfast in bed... one of those things that you can only truly appreciate if you are a fellow lover of mornings and breakfast. It was wonderful. And later in the day he took me out to lunch.We sat over lunch and talked about my birthdays passed. He asked me which was my favorite and why... really? Aaron gives everything about 110% so when it comes to birthdays he goes all out. He has done amazing things... we talked about how much fun we had and the crazy memories we had from each birthday. We talked about my birthday last year... how Aaden was not even a month old... how I remember feeling so blessed and needing nothing. We remembered that Aaron had taken me to an amazing restaurant in Staunton, Va while nana and papa watched Andrew and Aaden.We both agreed that looking back it seems surreal, that if we had only known we would only get 11 more days with our son...I would have held him and hugged him and kissed him... I would have written down everything little thing about him... I would have taken a million pictures of his cute little self.I remember how he had the longest fingers... like Aaron but they were shaped like mine. I remember how he had the bluest eyes... maybe they would have stayed blue like his papa's. I remember how he would frown sometimes as if he was just so sad... I remember how he just loved to be held... and held a certain way, up on my shoulder so he could look around... because he could already hold his head up at only days old.The Morning | A Community of hope for women finding joy after infant loss. | Ashlee Proffitt | Aaden SageThe Morning | A Community of hope for women finding joy after infant loss. | Ashlee Proffitt | Aaden Sage The Morning | A Community of hope for women finding joy after infant loss. | Ashlee Proffitt | Aaden Sage