9 Fall Activities to Do In Honor of Your Baby

We put together 9 simple fall activities that you could do to find joy and honor your baby this fall. Click the button below to download a free printable to print out and hang on your fridge this fall season. We hope these simple activities give you a tangible way to mother your baby in heaven and bring you joy this fall.

  1. Make a new recipe with pumpkin (We love this recipe , this recipe and this one too.)

  2. Plant something that will bloom in spring (Tulips & Daffodils are a great choice! This gives a few more helpful tips!)

  3. Send a thank you note to someone who has loved you well in this season.

  4. Get cozy with your favorite blanket and write a letter to your baby (we love this blanket and this journal or this journal).

  5. Go on a walk to a place that reminds you of baby.

  6. Light a candle in memory of your baby all season (we love these candles!)

  7. Buy a pumpkin for every member of your family, including baby in heaven.

  8. Take family photos and Include your baby in heaven (This is helpful for ways to include your baby in your family photo!)

  9. Pick leaves and for a tangible reminder that beauty can be found in all seasons.


Click the button below to download your free Fall Joy List printable.