What is God's Role in Our Suffering? Why Did He Let My Baby Die? (Navigating Faith After Baby Loss) | Episode 131 with Lacey Rabalais

Episode 131

In this episode I am asking a series of difficult but important questions about God, our suffering, and navigating faith after the loss of a baby to Lacey Rabalais. She spends her days studying and writing about God’s Word and as a theologian who had also experienced the loss of a baby I knew she would be the perfect person to discuss these questions with.

Many of the questions we are discussing today were submitted by you, listeners of the podcasts and or members of our free private community, The Joyful Mourning Community. These are real questions and like I said, somewhat difficult to answer in a way that might feel acceptable in the midst of heartbreak and sorrow. Questions like: Why does suffering exist? Did God plan our suffering or did he just allow it? How can he be good if either of those are true? Is God powerful enough to heal my baby? Did He just choose not to? 

I know that this conversation and some topics we talk about might be hard to think about or consider and I want to encourage you by saying that’s ok — you’re free to wrestle with the truths we present here. My hope is that as you listen, even to that which might be difficult to hear or believe, that your heart would be comforted in knowing that you are not alone and that you are loved by the God of the universe far more than you could ever comprehend or imagine. And that not only does he love you but he loves your baby too. 

We do our best to bring the truth of scripture into these hard, difficult spaces but I am certain that there is more that could be said and additional conversation that would be potentially helpful. One of the best things I would recommend is to come join us in our free community — a safe space where you are free to wrestle through your questions, anger, sadness, confusion and hurt. Find out more about our free community by clicking here.


  1. What does it mean to be a Christian?

  2. If someone listening is not familiar with this faith and God that we’re going to be talking about -- where would you suggest they start in learning more?

  3. Why does suffering exist? What is God’s role in our suffering? Did He plan it or allow it? How can He be good if either of those are true? 

  4. What does the Bible say about heaven and what does that mean for us as grieving moms who long to see our babies again?

  5. Is God powerful enough to heal my baby? Did He just choose not to?

  6. Why would He allow such a miracle and then just take it away.

  7. How do you experience joy while still grieving and lamenting?" (What does lament even mean?)

  8. Will I hold my baby again in heaven? How do I know heaven is real and that I’ll be with my baby again?

  9. Is my loss a punishment from God?

  10. What spiritual resources would you recommend for a grieving mom?

Meet Lacey

I'm passionate about God, bible literacy, & stewarding what God has entrusted me with.

I’m a wife & mom. Chicken raiser & plant lady. I wasn’t always this passionate about God’s word, but I’m grateful for His kindness and mercy that continues to pour out. I’m here to proclaim His good news, glorify Him, & have a lot of laughs while doing just that.

Connect with Lacey

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