Returning to Work After Infant Loss | Episode 079 with Ashley Daugherty


Episode 79

Back in March we had started the conversation about what it looked like to return to work after experiencing the loss of a baby. As our country begins to open up and people begin to head back to the workplace I thought it would be helpful to bring this conversation back. We know that amidst deep grief and such significant loss you are no longer the same but the work is the same and the expectations may be the same and the daily interactions are probably the same. So how do you do it? How do you prepare for this difficult moment? How do you face coworkers when you don’t want to talk about what has happened or when you do want to talk about what has happened? What do you do when you feel like your mental capacity is significantly less than before? What do you do when you feel incapable of performing at the level you previously performed at? In this series of episodes we are discussing all these types of questions. Addressing the challenges of going back to work, how to prepare mentally and emotionally, and even the benefits of going back to work. 

In today’s episode I am talking with Ashley Daugherty about her experience returning to full time work just 6 weeks after losing her son Boston as a result of premature labor. She shares honestly about what was especially hard in the transition back and what she would do differently in the hopes of helping to prepare those of you listening who are getting ready to go back to work. She talks about the value of seeking out counseling and how she wishes she had done that sooner than she did. She talks about the value of talking with your leaders and having them help you game plan your transition back. She talks about the benefits she experienced as a result of going back to work and of course we talk about how to a grieving mom in the workplace. And my favorite part of the episode is when she says: “This is going to be so hard. But you are strong. Even though you don’t feel strong. You can do this.” 

Ashley is gentle and honest and gives such helpful and hope-filled wisdom in this episode; I am certain that this interview will remind all grieving mamas that they are not alone in this grief journey.




I’m Ashley Daugherty. I live in Bloomington IL with my husband of 5 years and children. I work full time for State Farm insurance as an underwriting service assistant. I am a mom of 2 living sons (4 years and 7 months) and 1 deceased son (March 17, 2018).

Learn more about Ashley by following along via Instagram:



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