Returning to Work After Premature Labor & Baby Loss Pregnancy | Episode 081 with Rebecca Hennessy


Episode 81

As our country begins to open up and people begin to head back to the workplace I thought it would be helpful to continue this conversation about heading back to work after the loss of a baby. In this episode I am talking with Rebecca Hennessy about her experience returning to full time work just 1 week after experiencing premature labor and losing her daughter at 18 weeks. Rebecca is incredibly honest and tender in this episode as we talk about why she chose to go back to work when she did, the challenges she faced, the triggers she experienced, and how she told her coworkers. She also gives helpful thoughts about how to prepare to head back to work, what she would have done differently and how to love a mom you work with who is grieving.

No matter your story, and whether you plan to return to work outside of the home in the near future or ever, the rawness and tenderness of this episode is sure to remind you that you are not alone in this grief journey. 


Questions We Answer (or try to answer) During This Episode

  • What challenges exist for a grieving mom returning to work? What should she be mentally or emotionally prepared for? 

  • Was returning work helpful at all in your healing journey?

  • What were some of the positive experiences of heading back to work? 

  • Is there anything you would do differently about your return to work?

  • What encouragement or advice do you have for a newly grieving mom who is getting ready to head back to work after experiencing the loss of a baby? 

  • Friends & Family: What would you say to someone listening who loves a mama who is grieving or works with a grieving mom about this specific topic — what would you want them to know about how to best love and provide support for a grieving mom heading back to the work place after loss?



MEET Rebecca

Hi, I’m Rebecca!

I’m a Commercial Project Manager living in Orlando, Florida. I’m married with 1 child here on earth and 3 in heaven. I love crafting and crossfit!

Learn more about Rebecca by following along via Instagram: @rhen1230

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