Happy Father's Day | A Message from the Women Who Love You


I’m proud of you. You carry the weight of parenting kids in heaven and on earth so well.

I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.

And — it’s okay that today is really hard. Your fatherhood is significant even amidst all the ones you miss.


Anna You don’t have to be so strong 24/7. You are allowed to hurt too.

Lori You should grieve in whatever way you wants/needs to and I will love you the same.

Lindsey I know you don’t show it, but I know your heart is broken and you miss our son every single day too.

Elizabeth You are no less of a dad because our daughter died. Your grief and sorrow is just as prominent as mine and I recognize it as such.

it's ok for us to be broken together.

- Emily

Maggie You are the best dad Olivia could have ever asked for and you are honoring her each and everyday in the ways you love her from Earth. I also want you to know that you are always connected to her, and she knows you are her daddy.

Madison You are still a daddy and it’s ok to be emotional. You don’t have to be strong and hold it in.

I love to hear you talk about our baby. I love to hear you talk about things he wanted to do with our son. I would love to see you be a father to a living child, but if it doesn't happen for us, we can learn to be okay with that. You will always be a father.

- Bee

Emily It's ok for us to be broken together. You are still a dad and always will be, not even death can take that away. I am proud of you for how you have kept going. That you are seen and heard.

Alicia That I love and appreciate you. You are my rock.

Thank you, my love.

Thank you for supporting me when I feel so weak.

Thank you for loving our daughter so fiercely.

Thank you for thinking of her and talking about her regularly.

You are an incredible Dada and our girl is so so lucky to have you in her corner.

I know today will be hard for you without her here, but regardless of where she is, you’re a wonderful father.

- Rachel

Lauren You are the best daddy to our little girl. One of my greatest joys is how you interact with and loves our daughter. I love you so much and honor you for your hard work and joy you brings to our family. You serve the community well with your skills and heart. I am so grateful that I am the recipient of your great love on earth. You truly loves me as Christ loves the church

Emily You are the most amazing, selfless father. The only reason I'm where I am is because of you. Our daughter is the luckiest girl in all of heaven and earth to have you as her daddy. You are a dad even if it doesn't feel like it. That the most selfless thing I have ever seen is when only one of us could hold our daughter before she died, and without even a thought about yourself, you told me I would be the one to hold her.

Solomiya You are always going to be a father to 3 incredible boys even if 2 aren’t here on earth! You are a wonderful father always.

Malaina You are the best angel daddy & earth daddy. We love you so much!! 

Elizabeth You were the strength both of our boys needed to be able to keep going each day they were alive and fighting.





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