Navigating Life, Faith, Body Image & Relationships After Two Miscarriages  | Episode 103 with Jordan Lee Dooley


Episode 103

In this first interview of the new year I am chatting with Jordan Lee Dooley. Jordan is an author and podcast host, she encourages and educates women entrepreneurs and is an inspiring homemaker; she wears many hats, and like many of us listening has experienced the tragedy of losing a baby.

In fact Jordan has experienced two devastating miscarriages.

What I really appreciate about this interview is that Jordan is sharing with us right in the middle of the journey. She isn’t on the other side of it, so to speak, she isn’t giving wisdom and advice from a place of a new healthy pregnancy or a living baby — she’s in the throes of waiting and the questions and the sitting in a faith that feels shaken. 

During our time together Jordan talks honestly about what this journey has been like for her. She shares what she wished people understood about miscarriage. She talks about the body image issues we as women of baby loss experience. And the encouragement her mom gave to her is something we all need to hear. No matter our story.

We talk about faith after loss and faith in the midst of waiting and if your faith feels shaken or if you feel betrayed by God I think Jordan’s words and encouragement will bring you hope today. As we finish up our time together Jordan gives really helpful, practical advice for someone who loves a grieving mom. 

I loved my time with Jordan and think it will really encourage you. For those who are still in the middle of it, those whose stories aren’t wrapped up, whose arms are still empty -- i pray this episode reminds you that you aren’t alone in this.



  • Tell me what you wish others knew about miscarriage and grief and life after loss?

  • What surprised you most about this journey?

  • You wrote these words: If there’s anything I know for sure, it’s this: I am fiercely committed to living in honor of my children until I get to kiss their cheeks on the other side of heaven…. Something changes in you when a piece of you goes to heaven. You look at the world through a new lens. You get really crazy serious about your calling. You eliminate distractions and stop messing around worrying about things that never mattered anyway.” Tell me more about that.

  • You wrote these words: “I’ve spent the better part of the last six months mad at my body. It’s a regular fight to believe she isn’t defective.” What would you say to another woman who is feeling that way?

  • What has your walk with God, your faith, looked like in this season?

  • What advice would you give to someone who has a friend who is grieving the loss of a baby? In what ways did you feel loved and cared for amidst grief?


Jordan Lee Dooley Joyful Mourning Podcast.png






more resources about miscarriage