Featured Podcast Episode: Life-Limiting Diagnosis with Lola Igunbor | Episode 86


Episode 86

This episode is sure to inspire you and strengthen your faith -- at least it did in me. Listen in as I chat with my new friend Lola who shares the story of her son Elijah. At Lola’s routine anatomy scan, the doctors gave these first time parents the news that their son had a life-threatening heart condition making it very unlikely that he would make it to term or be delivered alive. Against all odds, Elijah would be born and would live for weeks. He would get to meet his mama and daddy and many family members and friends. Lola’s story is not unlike many of you listening. Lola’s story is not that different from my own. And yet, her faith is vastly different. Making me pause and reflect and think about the truth that she shared during our time together — that we can hope, that we can have joy, even in the mourning, despite all of our circumstances.

She talks to me honestly about what her pregnancy with Elijah was like and her lack of fear is nothing short of a miracle and reminds me that God is able to bring supernatural peace that we cannot fully understand even into the darkest of places. Even when we receive the worst of news. Even when our world feels shaken. He can bring peace. Lola shares with me what she wish others knew about life after infant loss, what pregnancy after loss was like for her — again, her story even in this is remarkable and incredibly encouraging. Lola also shares what she has learned about infant loss within the African culture and what she would like to see happen within that community in regards to baby loss. We talk about our spiritual walks and how there can be purpose in the pain, how her son Elijah’s life changed her forever. 

Lola’s faith is contagious and I am incredibly grateful for her story. 


Questions We Answer (or try to answer) During This Episode

  • What was it like to receive a life-limiting diagnosis?

  • What would you tell another mom who has just received a diagnosis that will limit her baby’s life?

  • Tell me what you wish others knew about life after infant loss? 

  • What do you wish others knew or understood about infant loss within the African culture? 

  • Friends & Family: What was the most meaningful thing done for you while Elijah was still alive, and then after he died? In what ways did you feel most loved and cared for amidst grief?

  • Friends & Family: What advice would you give to someone who has a friend or family member who has received a diagnosis like you did with Elijah or has experienced infant loss?

  • What role did your faith play in your experience of loss and grief? 

  • What is one way you are growing or have grown as a result of Elijah’s life? How has his life and death impacted the way you see the world now?



Hello! I am Lola mom of three including one heaven by the name of Elijah. Baby Elijah was a miracle child after our first year of marriage. I was blessed to carry him full-term and get to meet him in person for two whole blessed weeks.

Baby Elijah defied all odds and proved that with God all things are possible. All the baby Elijah passed away after two weeks from an infection while in CICU we were available and able to experience God‘s love every step of the way from the discovery of the negative diagnosis even until now four years later.

Visit Lola’s Youtube Channel to hear more from her!

Learn more about Lola by following along via Instagram: @hlovedlolax4hns

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